Thursday, March 19, 2015

DO’s and Don’ts in Atopic Dermatitis by Aura Skin Clinic, Vizag


Soaps and cleaners
Grass and tree pollens
perfumes and makeup
Substances such as chlorine, mineral oil, or solvents
Dust or sand
Cigarette smoke

Allergens are allergy-causing substances from foods, plants, animals, or the air. Common allergens are:

Eggs, nuts, milk, fish, soy products, and wheat,berries,chocolates
Dust mites
Dog or cat dander

Stress, anger, and frustration can make atopic dermatitis worse, but they haven’t been shown to cause it. Skin infections, temperature, and climate can also lead to skin flares. 

Other things that can lead to flares are:

Not using enough lubricants after a bath
Low humidity in winter
Dry year-round climate
Long or hot baths and showers
Going from sweating to being chilled
Bacterial infections


  • Develop a good skin care routine
  • Avoid things that lead to flares
  • Treat symptoms when they occur.
  •  Continuous use of emollients
  • Dispersible cream can be used as soap
  • Colloidal oatmeal and glycerin containing cream is beneficial

Medications for atopic dermatitis include:

  • Skin creams or ointments that control swelling and lower allergic reactions
  • Wet wrap techinique
  • Corticosteroids
  • Antibiotics to treat infections caused by bacteria
  • Antihistamines that make people sleepy to help stop nighttime scratching
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system like calcineurin inhibitor.
  • Phototherapy
  • In severe cases oral corticosteroids and immunosuppressives.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Aura Skin Clinic Appointments, Now On Facebook

We have just launched a new Facebook App for you to book appointments. So no more waiting in the clinic.
Login to our Facebook Page, Like it , Follow it and Book Appointment with a click.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Melasma Treatment - by Dr Sravani Consultant Dermatologist, Aura Skin Clinic, Vizag)

You must be wondering what are those brown blotchy stuff on your face that's made worse by sunlight and makes you feel ugly. It is called melasma.

And yes it’s a midlife crisis as we see this commonly after the age of 30 yrs. It occurs in all skin types but is especially common in south american and Asian women. A lot of people experience it during pregnancy(mask of pregnancy), but u will also observe this after using medicines like oral contraceptive pills, phenytoin.and  certain cosmetics.

It is commonly seen on face:forehead, nose, upperlip, chin, malar and mandibular areas.while this is strictly a cosmetic problem, its is very disturbing to both sexes,especially with brown skin color and good tanning capicity.It is definitely one of the most difficult conditions to treat. For this reason, it is important for me  to establish realistic expectations from the beginning so that my patient and I can work together to achieve the best results.

It is important to understand that melasma is a chronic condition. There is no cure (i.e. there is no cream that is prescribed that can make it go away forever). For many patients, melasma is caused by hormones. So for some people after pregnancy or after stopping birth control, the melasma resolves. For many, however, the condition continues. The good news is that there are good treatments available.

The most important thing to treat melasma is strict sun protection.we have skin lightening creams, most popular one is hydroquinone and other options are chemical peels, fractional and Q- switched ND-YAG laser, mesotherapy.

So its important for you to consult your dermatologist and understand what is the best option for you.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Skin Tags & How To Deal With Them By Dr.Sravani Sandhya - Aura Skin Clinic, Vizag

A lot of people come to me with skin tags worried if they are cancer causing growth. So here is some information about skin tag. 

skin tag is a soft, skin colored or brown oval growth. They tend to form in areas where the skin creases such as your neck,eyelids, breasts, armpits, and groin area. It is commonly seen in women, particularly during pregnancy, the elderly, and overweight or obese individuals.

Skin tags tend to run in families, so if your grandmother and mother has them, chances are good you will too.

Skin tags are not benign growths and are not dangerous. However, if you don’t like the way skin tags look, or find them bothersome, then you can have them removed by your dermatologist. 

He or she can remove a skin tag by snipping it off with a scalpel or scissors, by freezing it off with cryosurgery, or by burning it off with electrosurgery (using an electric current). The entire procedure takes only a few minutes, is virtually painless, and typically heals with 24 hours.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Aura Skin And Hair Clinic

Aura is Vizag's Advanced Skin & Hair Center, Started by Dr. Sravani Sandhya a renowned dermatologist in visakhapatnam. She specializes in medical laser procedures, treats a broad range of dermatology conditions including acne, eczema and allergies, psoriasis, pediatric dermatology and hair disorders.She is well experienced with the latest cosmetology procedures and hair care treatments.

Aura Skin Clinic is located in TPT Colony, Seethamadhara, Opp Hindu Press.