Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

What causes under eye darks circles, pigmentation and know the best treatment options - by Dr Sravani Sandhya , Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag.

Dark circles under the lower eyelids are common in men and women. Often accompanied by bags, dark circles can make you appear older than you are.While there are many causes including genes, stress, oversleeping and sleep deprivation, let us take a look at other factors that can lead to them.

Melanin: If you have not heard about melanin, you must have known about pigmentation. This happens when there is extra absorption of melanin under our eye which results in pigmentation. Consulting a dermatologist would be a quick relief. Usually, he would recommend dark circles under eyes cream as per your condition.

Sleep Deprivation: Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or just staying up a few hours past your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing for dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to show.

Fluid Retention: Sometimes, because of fluid retention, our skin around the eyes dome up. This causes puffiness and dark circles are a result of the shadows from the puffiness of eyes. There could be numerous reasons for puffiness such as allergies, high salt consumption, stress etc.

Age: Natural aging is another common cause of those dark circles beneath your eyes. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. You also lose the fat and collagen needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity.

Thinner Skin: Did you know that the skin type differs from person to person? Those with thinner skin around the eyes are more susceptible to dark circles. Thankfully, we have treatment procedures to remove dark circle under eyes.

Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles under your eyes. When your body is not receiving the proper amount of water, the skin beneath your eyes begins to look dull and your eyes look sunken.Drink lot of water to hydrate your skin .

Skin Sagging:
Individuals who reach a certain age start facing problem of sagging skin. However, premature aging of skin is also predominant among people who are in constant contact with sun. Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin, the pigment that provides your skin with color. Too much sun particularly for your eyes can cause pigmentation in the surrounding skin to darken.Using sunscreen can help avoid this problem.

Genetics: Family history also plays a part in developing dark circles under your eyes. It can be an inherited trait seen early in childhood, and may worsen as you age or slowly disappear.

Iron Deficiency: Because of deficiency of iron, the blood that reaches the eyes lack proper amount of oxygen and the insufficient level of oxygen to the eye tissue cause them to look darker.

Treatment Options for Dark Circles & Pigmentation.

For a more effective and permanent solution, some medical treatments are available to reduce the appearance of dark circles. Some of the more common methods include:
  • chemical peels to reduce pigmentation
  • laser procedures to resurface the skin and enhance skin tightening
  • tissue fillers to conceal blood vessels and melanin that are causing skin discolouration under your eyes.
  • medical tattoos to inject pigment into thinning skin areas
  • fat removal to remove excess fat and skin, revealing a smoother and more even surface
Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure, discuss your options with our doctor and based on your condition we can prescribe the right treatment options.

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Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Aura Skin & Hair Clinic

50-49-43/4 TPT Colony,
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 91777 99077

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

8 Tips For Beautiful Skin - Dr. Sravani, Aura Skin & Hair Clinic , Visakhapatnam

Watch Sun Exposure Indoors

Yes, you read it right: UV rays (in particular UVA rays) can penetrate the windows in your home and office and cause wrinkling and brown spots.

Consider Your Water

Apart from hydrating yourself by drinking water at regular intervals.water that is used to bathe is equally important…Hard water doesn’t allow washes to lather easily, prompting you to use more soap, which can cause dryness. (Gentle, nonsoap formulas, which aren’t meant to lather, can minimize this).

“Soft water doesn’t remove soap well, so it can leave a residue on your skin.(If your water is soft, use face and body cleansers sparingly).

Drink Green Tea

Since vizag is hot round the year. “Iced tea is best because hot beverages can worsen redness and other symptoms of rosacea.”

Another benefit: The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea may help prevent the collagen destruction that leads to wrinkles as well as sun-induced DNA damage in the skin . 

Keep Stress in Check

It takes a toll on nearly every part of your body, including your skin. Acne, hair fall, rosacea, psoriasis etc etc.

Improve Your Air Quality

Avoiding smoky environments is smart, since “just being around smoke can lead to the release of free radicals that damage skin and hasten aging,”

Switch to Plain Toothpaste

Those with tartar-control ingredients or added flavors, like cinnamon, may contribute to a common skin condition called perioral dermatitis.

It looks like pimples, redness, and scaling around the mouth.

Choose Water-Based Hair Products

Some conditioners, as well as pomades, volumizers, and styling creams, contain oils or waxes that can clog pores and create acne, especially on the forehead, the back, and the hairline. 

Sleep a Full Night

While you’re snoozing, the skin’s repair mechanisms swing into action. Being sleep-deprived, by contrast, puts stress on the body, causing it to release more adrenaline and cortisol, which can trigger breakouts and other skin

To keep that frazzled feeling under control, regularly practice stress-management techniques, like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Real Effect Of Stress On Your Skin & Hair - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

Stress happens to everyone, but since you can't avoid your job, daily chores, or life, the best thing to do is learn to manage the stress. This includes eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself.

Dark Circles & Under Eye Bags: Tomorrow's to-do list can weigh on your mind, keeping you from getting enough beauty sleep. This can cause fluid to pool below your lower eyelid area, and what you end up with is a puffy mess in the morning.

Get at least eight hours of sleep. Since the light from your smartphone's screen simulates sunlight, shut off any electronic devices an hour before you go to sleep.

Acne: Stress causes skin issues to flare up regardless of what you're prone to, whether it's acne, psoriasis, or eczema. When it comes to acne, stress releases cortisol, which can throw off the other hormones in your body and cause breakouts on your face or body.

Drinking a lot of water and eating a well-balanced diet are important, since your body can't handle stress well if it's not properly nourished. Fruits, vegetables, and high-quality proteins like grass-fed meats are also crucial.

Graying Hair & Hair Loss: "If you're predisposed to gray hair, stress can cause the melanin in your hair to stop producing, leaving it gray. "It can also cause your hair to become thinner in diameter over time."Hair loss is usually a reaction to significant physiological stress caused by an extreme change in your diet, medical issues, or sudden lifestyle changes.

A variety of stress may cause your body to undergo hair loss, when there's some type of physiological change in your system. "For instance,you go on or off an oral contraceptive or you lose more than 8 kilos of weight.Things like this change the physiological balance in your system.

It's also important to note that not all hair loss is anxiety related, but the two may occur at a similar period of time. Many people that start to suffer from hair loss are at an age with many other stresses, like kids, work, and finances. Because they happen at the same age they may seem related, but are technically different conditions.

The good news for anxiety sufferers is that not all anxiety related hair loss is permanent. If stress and anxiety are what caused your hair loss, then reducing that anxiety can help your hair come back.

If you notice your hair falling out more than usual, talk to your doctor to make sure nothing serious is going on.

Fine Lines: Constantly making certain facial expressions, like furrowing your brows when you're stressed or pursing your lips, can lead to deeper wrinkles in these areas over time.

Stay Balanced & Look Beautiful : It’s okay to push yourself as great things can happen when you step out of your comfort zone. But always be aware of your boundaries, as your soul responds the same as your skin; when you don’t take enough time to strengthen, you’ll weaken your natural barrier and be more susceptible to having problems.

Drink a lot of water — eight glasses or more each day. You can also have some green tea for a boost of healthy antioxidants and eat foods that have a high water content. (fruits and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, and celery are 80 to 90 percent water).

For more details, discuss with experts at Aura Skin and Hair Clinic, Vizag . Book Appointment Online or Over The Phone. Now you can also book appointment over our facebook page.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,

+91 9177799077