Showing posts with label Aura Skin Clinic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aura Skin Clinic. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

8 Tips For Beautiful Skin - Dr. Sravani, Aura Skin & Hair Clinic , Visakhapatnam

Watch Sun Exposure Indoors

Yes, you read it right: UV rays (in particular UVA rays) can penetrate the windows in your home and office and cause wrinkling and brown spots.

Consider Your Water

Apart from hydrating yourself by drinking water at regular intervals.water that is used to bathe is equally important…Hard water doesn’t allow washes to lather easily, prompting you to use more soap, which can cause dryness. (Gentle, nonsoap formulas, which aren’t meant to lather, can minimize this).

“Soft water doesn’t remove soap well, so it can leave a residue on your skin.(If your water is soft, use face and body cleansers sparingly).

Drink Green Tea

Since vizag is hot round the year. “Iced tea is best because hot beverages can worsen redness and other symptoms of rosacea.”

Another benefit: The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea may help prevent the collagen destruction that leads to wrinkles as well as sun-induced DNA damage in the skin . 

Keep Stress in Check

It takes a toll on nearly every part of your body, including your skin. Acne, hair fall, rosacea, psoriasis etc etc.

Improve Your Air Quality

Avoiding smoky environments is smart, since “just being around smoke can lead to the release of free radicals that damage skin and hasten aging,”

Switch to Plain Toothpaste

Those with tartar-control ingredients or added flavors, like cinnamon, may contribute to a common skin condition called perioral dermatitis.

It looks like pimples, redness, and scaling around the mouth.

Choose Water-Based Hair Products

Some conditioners, as well as pomades, volumizers, and styling creams, contain oils or waxes that can clog pores and create acne, especially on the forehead, the back, and the hairline. 

Sleep a Full Night

While you’re snoozing, the skin’s repair mechanisms swing into action. Being sleep-deprived, by contrast, puts stress on the body, causing it to release more adrenaline and cortisol, which can trigger breakouts and other skin

To keep that frazzled feeling under control, regularly practice stress-management techniques, like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Friday, July 29, 2016

Your Sleeping Pattern Can Affect Your Skin - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

Why you should get a good nights sleep? The ZZZs you catch every night can have a profound impact on your skin.

A good night's sleep can mean good skin health because when you’re sleep-deprived, your body makes more of the stress hormone cortisol. Elevated levels of cortisol can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body, hurting your skin’s quality.

But the relationship between skin health and lack of quality sleep can be a vicious cycle, especially with conditions like atopic dermatitis or eczema, which can lead to scratching even through the night.


Not enough sleep worsens existing skin conditions. 

Increased inflammatory response shows up as increased acne breakouts, increased skin sensitivity, increased allergic contact dermatitis reactions, and increased irritant dermatitis — and more severe conditions mean more treatment and skin care. 

Your skin becomes imbalanced, which leads to a dehydrated complexion, redness, and breakouts. Not only does not getting enough sleep negatively affect your body, it affects the moisture levels in your skin, decreasing them and also lowering your complexion's pH levels, which is why your skin looks less youthful and has less of a glow.

Not enough sleep detracts from your skin's natural beauty. 

Increased inflammatory cells in the body lead to an increase in the breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the molecules that give the skin its glow, bounce, and translucency. 

Not enough sleep makes immune-related skin problems worse. 

Increased inflammation in the body throws off the body's ability to regulate the immune system, which leads not only to getting sick more often, but also to flares of immune-related skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Psoriasis is not just a skin disease; it's also an indicator of body inflammation. "Many people with severe psoriasis actually have an increased risk for heart attacks, which is even more reason to keep stress low and get good quality sleep.

Not enough sleep results in less beauty. 

While you're sleeping, the body's hydration rebalances. Skin is able to recover moisture, while excess water in general in the body is processed for removal. Not getting enough sleep results in poor water balance, leading to puffy bags under your eyes and under-eye circles, as well as dryness and more visible wrinkles.

So make sure you get enough sleep and don't feel bad if you sleep a little too much, its good for your skin.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,

+91 9177799077

Monday, June 6, 2016

5 Reasons you should get laser hair removal - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag


Whatever your reason for dealing with unwanted hair, you may want to consider this permanent hair removal solution, at aura we have the best cosmetologists in vizag performing the procedures.

Laser hair removal is permanent hair removal, which may seem expensive, however when you add up what you will continue spending over a lifetime on shaving, waxing or other temporary methods it becomes a great investment.

Eliminate the need for daily shaving or monthly waxing.There is no need to wake up early to shave, take time to go get a wax, etc.

Removing hair with laser hair removal can give you much smoother and sexier skin than any other hair removal methods.

Whether you are a woman with facial hair or hair in other undesired places, or a man with an overly hairy back or chest, excessive or unwanted hair can take a toll on one’s self esteem. Laser hair removal can eliminate unwanted hair and help you regain that lost confidence.

Ingrown hairs can be unsightly, uncomfortable and make you self-consciousness. By eliminating the hair through laser hair removal, you will eliminate ingrown hairs.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,

+91 9177799077

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Real Effect Of Stress On Your Skin & Hair - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

Stress happens to everyone, but since you can't avoid your job, daily chores, or life, the best thing to do is learn to manage the stress. This includes eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and taking care of yourself.

Dark Circles & Under Eye Bags: Tomorrow's to-do list can weigh on your mind, keeping you from getting enough beauty sleep. This can cause fluid to pool below your lower eyelid area, and what you end up with is a puffy mess in the morning.

Get at least eight hours of sleep. Since the light from your smartphone's screen simulates sunlight, shut off any electronic devices an hour before you go to sleep.

Acne: Stress causes skin issues to flare up regardless of what you're prone to, whether it's acne, psoriasis, or eczema. When it comes to acne, stress releases cortisol, which can throw off the other hormones in your body and cause breakouts on your face or body.

Drinking a lot of water and eating a well-balanced diet are important, since your body can't handle stress well if it's not properly nourished. Fruits, vegetables, and high-quality proteins like grass-fed meats are also crucial.

Graying Hair & Hair Loss: "If you're predisposed to gray hair, stress can cause the melanin in your hair to stop producing, leaving it gray. "It can also cause your hair to become thinner in diameter over time."Hair loss is usually a reaction to significant physiological stress caused by an extreme change in your diet, medical issues, or sudden lifestyle changes.

A variety of stress may cause your body to undergo hair loss, when there's some type of physiological change in your system. "For instance,you go on or off an oral contraceptive or you lose more than 8 kilos of weight.Things like this change the physiological balance in your system.

It's also important to note that not all hair loss is anxiety related, but the two may occur at a similar period of time. Many people that start to suffer from hair loss are at an age with many other stresses, like kids, work, and finances. Because they happen at the same age they may seem related, but are technically different conditions.

The good news for anxiety sufferers is that not all anxiety related hair loss is permanent. If stress and anxiety are what caused your hair loss, then reducing that anxiety can help your hair come back.

If you notice your hair falling out more than usual, talk to your doctor to make sure nothing serious is going on.

Fine Lines: Constantly making certain facial expressions, like furrowing your brows when you're stressed or pursing your lips, can lead to deeper wrinkles in these areas over time.

Stay Balanced & Look Beautiful : It’s okay to push yourself as great things can happen when you step out of your comfort zone. But always be aware of your boundaries, as your soul responds the same as your skin; when you don’t take enough time to strengthen, you’ll weaken your natural barrier and be more susceptible to having problems.

Drink a lot of water — eight glasses or more each day. You can also have some green tea for a boost of healthy antioxidants and eat foods that have a high water content. (fruits and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, and celery are 80 to 90 percent water).

For more details, discuss with experts at Aura Skin and Hair Clinic, Vizag . Book Appointment Online or Over The Phone. Now you can also book appointment over our facebook page.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to get more tips on skin & hair care.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,

+91 9177799077

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Eat the root - it helps in preventing wrinkles - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

The more antioxidants you have in your body, the more your skin will glow. And beetroot ensures just that. It is a rich source of anthocyanins which a powerful antioxidants that prevents appearance of wrinkles.

High in folate, beets stimulate the production and repair of cells, which helps protect against premature aging.

Following are the 3 key health factors to have the beetroot.
  1. Fight wrinkles and skin conditions naturally with folate.
  2. Prevent age-related macular degeneration with vitamin A and carotenoids.
  3. Preserve brain function with nitrates that improve blood flow.
Your skin will look pink and glowing if you eat beet.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Monday, April 25, 2016

A Healthy Reason To Eat More Mangoes This Summer - Aura Skin Clinic , Visakhapatnam

Summers are here and soon we will start seeing fresh and juicy mangoes in the market,Now here is a good reason to eat more mangoes this summer, Apart from being tasty, did you know that the mango also offers a number of health benefits, its really good for your skin.

Mangoes are good for your skin as they are an excellent source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, that keep your skin healthy and glowing. They help in fighting against skin aging, regenerates skin cells and restores the elasticity of skin.

They have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes & acne, thus imparting a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin A and beta-carotene in this fruit restore, rejuvenate, and revive your skin with vigor and add shine to it.

The antioxidants present in this fruit delay the onset of skin aging and pigmentation. They also protect your skin from the harmful free radicals that can cause skin cancer. The Vitamin C in mangoes helps to cure pimple marks and acne scars.They are often used in various face masks and scrubs.

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Simple Lifestyle Changes That Makes You Look Young - Aura Skin Clinic, Visakhapatnam

Although there are lot of options to look young but we advise at aura skin and hair clinic to start the change by changing your lifestyle.

Our practice focuses on “fixes” and “prevention” using technology. But looking younger and feeling younger adds up best when you practice a whole health program. From the foods  you eat to the fabrics you wear to the number of hours you sleep at night; you’re in the driver’s seat when it comes to taking care of yourself.

This blog  undoubtedly will give you a few tips to help you stay on the path to wellness and good looks.

Some culprits that you may not be paying attention to?
  1. Sugar
  2. Stress
  3. Smoking
  4. Lack of Sleep
  5. Lack of Fun
  6. Lack of Vitamins – especially Vitamin D
  7. Toxins like BPA
 “Staying away from toxins is a big thing that people can do to avoid looking and feeling old.keep a tab on all the above to stay young & happy.

A big reminder to our readers?

SUNSCREEN – it’s right up there with toothpaste, water, sleep and seat belts.

15 minutes of sun a day without sunscreen. That’s fine, but don’t get that sun on your face! You can get ample Vitamin D synthesis from sun on other parts of your body.

For more details discuss with experts at Aura Skin and Hair Clinic. Book Appointment Online or Over The Phone

Call Us Now +91 91777 99077

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hair Loss Treatment - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

Regardless of the time of year, hair loss is always one of the most frequent complaints in the dermatology clinic. At some point in life, hair loss affects over half of all individuals for one reason or another. Sometimes, hair loss is temporary. In such instances, it may be secondary to another condition or cause, and it may resolve without treatment. 

hairloss treatment at aura skin clinic

More women than men suffer from temporary hair loss. A variety of causes including hormonal influence, stress, diet, medications, or other medical conditions may play a role in temporary hair loss. However, much more commonly, hair loss is genetic in nature. Some genetic hair loss may also be temporary in nature, but most genetic hair loss will worsen over time if left untreated.Although the loss of hair is generally benign in nature, it can carry a substantial psychological toll on many individuals.

Studies have shown that 52% of women and 28% of men with hair loss are “very-to-extremely upset” about it. Often hair loss will lead to a decline in self-esteem and self-confidence, and may pay a role in the worsening of depression or anxiety. When dealing with hair loss that is secondary to another cause or condition, the causative factor must be treated. However, for genetic-type hair loss there are several currently available treatment options.

Such treatments may be over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription, and they may be delivered topically, orally, or by injection into the skin. In some cases, more than one treatment is recommended in order to utilize multiple mechanisms of action.Topical treatments for hair loss include minoxidil and various steroidal applications. Minoxidil is available OTC. It helps to both maintain current hair growth as well as promote re-growth. It is safe and effective in both men and women, and generally well tolerated. It usually takes 3-6 months to show and effect, and must be used continuously to maintain the benefits. Oral treatments also include both prescription and OTC options. Traditionally, oral prescription drugs options include finasteride, dutasteride, and spironolactone. These drugs work by interfering with the natural hormones that cause hair loss, and depending upon the drug chosen, there are options for both men and women.

These drugs are useful to reduce further hair loss, and in many cases will produce regrowth of previously lost hair. Like many prescription oral drugs, these medications may have systemic side effects, and the risks and benefits of treatment should be discussed with your dermatology provider.

For more details discuss with experts at Aura Skin and Hair Clinic and analyze the root cause.

Book Appointment Online or Over The Phone, Call Us Now.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Friday, February 12, 2016

Common Mistakes While Self Treating Acne by Dr Sravani - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

Here are a few common mistakes people make when self treating acne.

Over – washing. A couple of times a day is normal and as long as you use warm (not hot) water, you’re maintaining a healthy skin barrier.

Using too-strong medications. The high % benzoyl peroxides can easily irritate what is already sensitive skin. Stay on the low end. If you think you need 10%, then it’s time to see a dermatologist.

Using the wrong exfoliant. Those crushed shell products? Throw them out. They make little cuts in your skin and can spread infections. Exfoliants with microbeads are better. Or use a clean washcloth.

Popping without prep. You can buy extractors or pull out a needle, but unless you prep first, you can make matters worse. Rule #1: If the head of your pimple isn’t white, leave it alone. Prep by cleaning your hands, your skin, warming the pimple and sterilizing your pimple and extractor with alcohol.
Use gauze to cover your finger tips. Press up and in from the sides. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t “try try again”.

Forgetting to wash your hands throughout the day. (Applies to phones – wipe them down once a day with an alcohol wipe or screen cleaner.)

Delaying needed medical care. Not seeing a dermatologist when your acne is uncontrolled. Don’t wait to get professional treatment and acne care products. If your acne is more than the occasional pimple, taking steps early can save you years of misery and prevent scarring that can last a lifetime.

Dr Sravani Sandhya Sandhya is a renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist in vizag, offering exceptional service to her patients at aura skin and hair clinic, seethammadhara.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic, Visakhapatnam

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Follow Us On Our Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter & Book Appointment Online On Our Facebook Page.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Say Hello To Clear Skin - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 

Aura Skin Clinic, Visakhapatnam.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Quit Smoking To Look Younger - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag


Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles.
If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic, Visakhapatnam.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Monday, January 4, 2016

Bridal Beauty Tip - Get A Good Facial - Aura Skin Clinic , Vizag

One of the best facials you can get before any important event is diamond microdermabrasion.

The treatment gets rid of dead skin and eliminates rough patches, turning your face into a flawless canvas that is perfect for makeup application and photos.

You can request our dermatologist for a patch test to see how your skin reacts to the us now to book appointment.

Dr Sravani Sandhya Sandhya is a renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist in visakhapatnam, offering exceptional service to her patients at aura skin clinic, seethammadhara.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic, Visakhapatnam.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

4 Tips To Help You Repair Damaged Winter Hair - Aura Skin Clinic, Vizag

Winter has just started this week. In winter there are gusting winds and low humidity in the air. And low humidity not only dries out your skin but also dries out your hair. If your hair is feeling dry and brittle and is seeking the summer warmth, then read on.

Here are four tips to help you repair your damaged winter hair:

1. Reduce shampooing. Shampooing every second or third day will allow natural oils to remain on your hair and scalp and prevent further drying.

2. Go deep. Once to twice a week, massage a deep conditioner into your hair and scalp and let it rest as you shower. Then rinse with warm water. For extremely dry hair, try using a leave-in deep conditioner or conditioning hair mask that you apply before bedtime and rinse the following morning. Be sure to wear a hair net and to place a towel on your pillow so you don’t stain your bed sheets.

3. Go natural. Using hair dyers and other heating devices take a toll on your hair. When possible, allow your hair to air-dry, but aim for at least once to twice a week.

4. Cool off. Some women who chemically treat their hair (think highlights) and use heating devices regularly (think flatirons), develop trichorrhexis nodosa, or hair breakage. Once hair is broken, you can’t fix it. You can minimize additional damage by reducing usage of heating devices. Try every second or third day instead of every day.

Dr Sravani Sandhya Sandhya is a renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist in vizag, offering exceptional service to her patients at aura skin and hair clinic, seethammadhara.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic, Visakhapatnam

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Follow Us On Our Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter & Book Appointment Online On Our Facebook Page.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Advanced Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks - Aura Skin Clinic , Seethammadhara - Vizag

Stretch marks have been one of the biggest problems for today's generation.Younger generation have been taking shortcuts to loose weight, using procedures like liposuction and bariatric surgeries rather than the traditional and healthier ways like exercising.These procedures are causing sudden expansion and reduction of skin which ultimately leads to stretch marks and the new age of highly physically conscious generation refuses to live with a physical appearance that not only dissatisfies them but also hinders their chances of higher achievements.

Laser Treatment for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks signify the pulling or stretching of skin which damage the natural formation of collagen that supports the skin elasticity. Generally, women tend to get stretch marks after giving birth or during pregnancy. But that is not the only cause; whether you are a man or woman, you can get stretch marks if;

You have recently gained weight and your skin has overstretched;
You have been obese for a large duration of your life;
You have been applying steroid skin creams (eg: hydrocortisone);
You are a bodybuilder and frequently change your body appearance.

In the beginning, stretch marks are nothing more than reddish-purplish marks but overtime, they grow into pale-white marks elongated over the skin. The most common body parts with the growth of stretch marks are breasts, hips, butt and thighs, back of the knees, calves and even back of the arms.

What can we do for you at Aura Skin Clinic ?

Aura Skin & Hair Clinic , Vizag  is providing you with various options for treatment of stretch marks. The clinic is well equipped to perform advanced laser procedures and mesotherapy treatment for the same.

Dr Sravani Sandhya Sandhya is a renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist in vizag, offering exceptional service to her patients at aura skin and hair clinic, seethammadhara.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Follow Us On Our Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter & Book Appointment Online On Our Facebook Page.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

9 Tips For Finger Nail Care - by Dr Sravani - Aura Skin Clinic, Visakhapatnam

9 Tips To Keep Your Fingernails Looking Their Best

Tip 1 - Keep fingernails dry and clean. This prevents bacteria from growing under your fingernails. Repeated or prolonged contact with water can contribute to split fingernails. Wear cotton-lined rubber gloves when washing dishes, cleaning or using harsh chemicals.

Tip 2 - Practice good nail hygiene. Use a sharp manicure scissors or clippers.

Tip 3 - Trim your nails straight across, then round the tips in a gentle curve.

Tip 4 - Use moisturiser. When you use hand lotion, rub the lotion into your fingernails and cuticles, too.

Tip 5 - Apply a protective layer. Applying a nail hardener might help strengthen nails.

Tip 6 - Ask your doctor about biotin. Some research suggests that the nutritional supplement biotin might help strengthen weak or brittle fingernails.

Tip 7 - Fragile nails can be caused by iron deficiencies. Foodstuffs abundant in iron include liver, trim red meats, species of fish, soy products, beans, lentils, whole grain products, green spinach, fresh vegetables, asparagus, parsley, poultry along with turkey, nuts, egg yolks, dry fruits like raisins, dates and apricots, etc. Eat a lot of these to help keep your nails healthy!

Tip 8 - Beetroots usually contain more calcium and also vitamin D to supplement healthy nail growth. Day-to-day consumption of beetroots is likely to make all your finger nails incredibly healthy and sturdy.

Tip 9 - Likewise for daily nail care, incorporate additional calcium loaded food items for instance milk products into your daily diet.

Dr Sravani Sandhya Sandhya is a renowned dermatologist and cosmetologist in vizag, offering exceptional service to her patients at aura skin and hair clinic, seethammadhara.

For complete diagnosis and detailed check up, Visit Dr.Sravani Sandhya at 
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic.

Clinic Address:
Aura Skin & Hair Clinic
50-49-43/4 TPT Colony, 
Near SFS School Play Ground
Opp Hindu Press,


+91 9177799077

Follow Us On Our Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter & Book Appointment Online On Our Facebook Page.